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What is This?
Did you know that the Bible mentions the “restoration of all things,” the “reconciliation of all things,” and the “renewal of all things?” Did you know that the phrase “all things” happens quite frequently in the New Testament? Did you know that the early Church had liturgy in its Good Friday, Holy Saturday, and Easter services about the restoration, reconciliation, redemption, renewal, rescue, recovery, and reparation of all things?
So here is a 60+ page eBook I created outlining many of these things, what I found out along the way, figures from Church history that believed and taught on the “restoration of all things,” what are some common questions/objections, a chart of multiple atonement theories throughout Church history, and the master chart of all those highlighted passages I found.
This was written with the intention of sharing with you a part of my journey of exploring the idea of the “restoration of all things” for myself, and not simply taking for granted what other people said about it.
I hope you enjoy it.